Sunday, December 12, 2010

Persuasive Speech: Texting while Driving

I went into this speech not very prepared but I was very familiar with the topic of Texting while Driving. As always, I got nervous before going up in front of the class but that was to be expected. After I finished my speech I thought it had been a big train wreck but when I watched the video it turned out to not be as bad as I imagined. Overall, I think the speech went fairly decent, there are some things that could’ve been improved but there are also things that went well.
To prepare myself to give this speech I basically did all of the research a long time in advanced and then used the information to put the whole speech together in one sitting. I then edited the speech as I rehearsed it to make it sound the way I wanted to.
When I reviewed the speech on the video I noticed that I was talking really fast, as usual. I talk super fast on a normal basis so I wasn’t surprised when my speed only increased a little bit when giving the speech. It resulted in me not reaching the time limit by only a few seconds and only about ten seconds short of when I practiced. I also noticed myself stumbling over my words more than once but my stance and use of hand motion and volume were pretty good.


  1. Hey Angie I would have to agree with you and say that i thought your speech was pretty good. You picked an excellent topic because affects so much of todays youth including myself. Yeah you did talk a little bit fast but from talking with you in class i knew that was something you usually do. The only thing that i really felt took away from your speech is the fact that someone else in class also did the same speech on the same day! Obviously there is nothing you could do about that though! THe main reason i know you did well is because now when i am driving i always think twice before texting especially when i am driving big 18 wheeled semis at work

  2. Angie,
    I think you did a great job on your speech. It was obvious to me that you have had experience with the topic as well as speaking in front of people, you have made a lot of improvements over the semester. For this speech you laid it out very clearly, maybe spoke a little fast but still totally understandable. You seemed confident in what you were saying, I noticed just a little bit of shifting but nothing very distracting. Really overall I thought it was a great speech, good job!
