Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Intro Speech

My first speech went pretty well. I was really nervous going up in front of the class to give the speech but I think the "Reading A Story" speech helped because it prepared me for talking in front of the crowd. I was also well prepared before giving the speech and basically had the whole thing memorized.
                Some of the things I need to work on are speed, enunciation, and fidgeting. I am generally a really fast talker all the time so my speeches in front of the class are usually the same length as when I am practicing the speech beforehand. I need to work on slowing down while speaking in public and in return it will also improve my enunciation. By improving my enunciation my speech will be more clear and more effective with more vocal range. While watching the video on my speech I noticed that I move my hands around a lot and flip my hair more than necessary especially toward the end of my speech when I started to get more nervous.
                Overall there were some good things to my speech too such as loudness, length, and feet placement. My voice was loud enough for everyone to hear and wasn’t too loud. The speech had to be between two and three minutes long and mine was exactly 2:30. At times I would rock or pick up my feet during the speech but overall I was standing shoulder length apart with my feet planted to the ground.
                I’d give myself a good grade for this speech while knowing that there is still plenty of room for improvement as the semester continues. If I continue to work on the things that need to be improved on and start to perfect the things I already do well then my speeches will significantly get better over time.


  1. Angie,
    I think you did a great job on your speech! There were only a couple things I would say could be improved: you're hair got in your face, so that was a little distracting, and there could have been a bit more eye contact and a steadier stance. Overall, though, good job! You had great volume and a good amount of gestures and animation.

  2. You had a great intro and I really like the quote you used. The stories you used were great for the topic. You talked really fast. Also you hair was a distraction and may have caused the lack of eye contact. I enjoyed the enthusiam you brought to your speech! You used the objects well.
